1. You cannot post in any threads until your application is approved. Check your application often. When it is approved you will see a large red accepted at the bottom of it.
2. There will be no godmodding on this site. You are your own character, you cannot make another character that is played by someone else do anything.
3. When creating a new thread the following information MUST be added in the first post in red letters:::
Private or open
When you make the new thread, in the subject box I want a description of where you are and I want (Private) if the thread is private. Failure to do the following may get your thread deleted.
4. This is a Marauder's Era RP so you need to stick with that timeframe. Harry Potter of coarse was not born.
5. Before anyone asks, I have modified the ages of a few of the characters to allow more people to be able to interact with each other.
6. We have a chatbox here and I expect that to be used as a fun tool to chat with other members. If any drama, bickering or insulting is done there, either myself, Prongs or one of our mods will ban you immediately from the chat. If the person banned from chat continues to be rude and spiteful after their chat privileges have been given back, I will ban that certain user and delete their account. I do NOT put up with drama!
7. If you need a Professor in one of your threads, please PM me. I have assigned these NPC positions to certain people on the forum. They are the only ones who can post as or have dialogue as the Professors. You can set up a thread anywhere. If you need a pairing list for the class or the Professors, PM me.